Pyramids and Sakkara from Marassi Marina

부터 USD US$105.00
  • 기간: 11 분 (대략)
  • 위치: Egypt
  • 상품 코드: MARASSI-MAR004

Embark on a captivating journey with a NASCO Tours representative from Marassi to Cairo, Africa's bustling metropolis. Your first destination is the ancient cemetery of Sakkara, home to the 5000-year-old Step Pyramid of King Zoser, the world's first monumental stone structure. Explore the historic complex and venture inside nearby Mastabas like Ptah-Hoteb, Mereruca Idut, or Ti. Next, visit the iconic Giza Plateau, where the Pyramids of Giza, the last surviving Wonder of the Ancient World, await. Capture stunning views of the pyramids from the Western Plateau and explore the Pyramid of Chephren. Descend into the valley to encounter the enigmatic Sphinx, a timeless guardian of the mortuary complex. A brief stop at a Papyrus Institute introduces you to the ancient art of papermaking from reeds. Recharge with lunch at a local restaurant before your return to Marassi. Your adventure concludes with a return to Marassi, leaving you with the memories of Egypt's wonders.

Time table

Depart from Marassi Marina heading to Cairo.    240 min
Visit Pyramids of zoser .    120 min

Heading to the Pyramids of Giza  30 mins

Visit the Pyramids of Giza 120 min
Heading to the papyrus institute.    15 min
Visit Papyrus institute.    30 min
Heading to local restaurant.    15 min
Serving lunch at local restaurant.     45 min
Estimated arrival at Marassi Marina.    240 min